44 research outputs found

    Spanish and Quechua in Huari

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    Are our concepts from prosodic typology, like word stress, pitch accent, head-/edge-prominence, really that tightly linked to individual languages? How are meanings often signaled via intonation in European languages, like information structure and sentence type, expressed in communicative acts between speakers who are bilingual in such a European language, Spanish, and one in which many of these meanings are expressed by morphology, Quechua? Based on semi-spontaneous dialogical elicitation data in both Spanish and Quechua gathered via fieldwork in the bilingual community of Huari, Peru, this work provides some challenging answers to these questions. Besides being the first detailed description of the prosody of a Central Quechuan language, it provides an in-depth study of the intonational systems and prosodic structures of the two languages and shows that their variation spaces overlap to a large extent, in turns exhibiting or not exhibiting evidence of word stress, pitch accents, lexical pitch accents in loanwords, and head- or edge-prominence

    Corpora of American languages: Interactive language games from multilingual Latin America (Quechua 1)

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    Das Projekt dokumentiert Dialoge zwischen Sprechern aus mehrsprachigen Gemeinden in Lateinamerika. Um die Bearbeitung des Common Ground beobachten zu können, wurden kommunikative Spiele elizitiert, die in einer romanischen und einer anderen amerikanischen Sprache ausgeführt wurden. Das lexikalische Material wurde nach metrischen Kriterien ausgewählt. Unsere Elizitationstechniken, die in allen Sprachgemeinschaften die gleichen sind, stellen einen hohen Grad der Vergleichbarkeit zwischen den Sprachen sicher. Alle Gespräche wurden transkribiert und die nichtromanischen außerdem übersetzt und morphologisch glossiert. Auf diese Weise trägt das Projekt zu einer erhöhten Sichtbarkeit für wenig erforschte Sprachgemeinschaften bei.El proyecto documenta diálogos entre hablantes de comunidades multilingües de América Latina. Para poder observar el procesamiento del Common Ground, se produjeron juegos comunicativos, que fueron ejecutados en una lengua románica y otra lengua americana. El material léxico se seleccionó según criterios métricos. Nuestras técnicas de elicitación, replicadas en todas las comunidades, garantizan un alto grado de comparabilidad entre las diferentes lenguas. Todas las conversaciones fueron transcritas y las no románicas fueron traducidas y morfológicamente glosadas. De esta manera, el proyecto contribuye al incremento de la visibilidad de comunidades de habla poco investigadas.O projeto documenta diálogos entre falantes de comunidades multilíngues na América Latina. A fim de poder observar o processamento do Common Ground, foram evocados jogos comunicativos que se realizaram em uma língua românica e em outra língua não românica. O material léxico se selecionou seguindo critérios métricos. Nossas técnicas de elicitação se repetiram em todas as comunidades para garantir um alto grau de comparabilidade entre as diferentes línguas. Todas as conversas foram transcritas e as não românicas foram traduzidas e morfologicamente glosadas. Dessa forma, o projeto contribui para aumentar a visibilidade de comunidades de língua pouco pesquisadas.This project documents dialogues between speakers from multilingual communities in Latin America. To be able to observe the processing of the Common Ground, language games in a Romance language and an American language have been elicited. The lexical material used in these tasks has been selected according to metrical criteria. Our elicitation techniques, held constant across communities, ensure a high degree of comparability between the results obtained for the different languages. All conversations were transcribed, and for the American languages, translations and morphological glosses are also provided. In this way, the project contributes to increased visibility for under-researched speech communities

    Emissionsvermeidung oder Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Welche Zukunft hat die Klimapolitik?

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    Die gegenwärtige im Kyoto-Protokoll festgelegte Klimapolitik versucht vorrangig, dem Klimawandel mit einer Strategie der Emissionsverminderung zu begegnen. Die dort festgelegten Reduktionsziele für den CO2-Ausstoß sind für viele Länder nicht mehr zu realisieren. Und einige Länder, die zu den größten Emittenten gehören, vor allem die USA, haben sich dem Kyoto-Protokoll nicht angeschlossen. Sollte die Klimapolitik in Zukunft weniger auf Emissionsvermeidung und eher auf eine Anpassung an die Erderwärmung zielen?

    Zielsteuerung in der Arbeitsverwaltung - ein europäischer Vergleich

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    "Verschiedene Industrieländer steuern ihre Arbeitsmarktverwaltungen inzwischen über Ziele. Vorliegend wird die Ausgestaltung zentraler Zielsteuerungssysteme im Jahr 2010 in sieben westeuropäischen Ländern vorgestellt. Außerdem werden insbesondere auf Basis leitfadengestützter Experteninterviews in den sieben Ländern bisherige Erfahrungen mit der Zielsteuerung ausgewertet. In die vergleichende Untersuchung sind Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, die Niederlande, Österreich, Schweden und die Schweiz einbezogen." (Autorenreferat

    Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective

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    This book presents a collection of pioneering papers reflecting current methods in prosody research with a focus on Romance languages. The rapid expansion of the field of prosody research in the last decades has given rise to a proliferation of methods that has left little room for the critical assessment of these methods. The aim of this volume is to bridge this gap by embracing original contributions, in which experts in the field assess, reflect, and discuss different methods of data gathering and analysis. The book might thus be of interest to scholars and established researchers as well as to students and young academics who wish to explore the topic of prosody, an expanding and promising area of study

    Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective

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    This book presents a collection of pioneering papers reflecting current methods in prosody research with a focus on Romance languages. The rapid expansion of the field of prosody research in the last decades has given rise to a proliferation of methods that has left little room for the critical assessment of these methods. The aim of this volume is to bridge this gap by embracing original contributions, in which experts in the field assess, reflect, and discuss different methods of data gathering and analysis. The book might thus be of interest to scholars and established researchers as well as to students and young academics who wish to explore the topic of prosody, an expanding and promising area of study

    Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective

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    This book presents a collection of pioneering papers reflecting current methods in prosody research with a focus on Romance languages. The rapid expansion of the field of prosody research in the last decades has given rise to a proliferation of methods that has left little room for the critical assessment of these methods. The aim of this volume is to bridge this gap by embracing original contributions, in which experts in the field assess, reflect, and discuss different methods of data gathering and analysis. The book might thus be of interest to scholars and established researchers as well as to students and young academics who wish to explore the topic of prosody, an expanding and promising area of study

    Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective

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    This book presents a collection of pioneering papers reflecting current methods in prosody research with a focus on Romance languages. The rapid expansion of the field of prosody research in the last decades has given rise to a proliferation of methods that has left little room for the critical assessment of these methods. The aim of this volume is to bridge this gap by embracing original contributions, in which experts in the field assess, reflect, and discuss different methods of data gathering and analysis. The book might thus be of interest to scholars and established researchers as well as to students and young academics who wish to explore the topic of prosody, an expanding and promising area of study

    Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective

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    This book presents a collection of pioneering papers reflecting current methods in prosody research with a focus on Romance languages. The rapid expansion of the field of prosody research in the last decades has given rise to a proliferation of methods that has left little room for the critical assessment of these methods. The aim of this volume is to bridge this gap by embracing original contributions, in which experts in the field assess, reflect, and discuss different methods of data gathering and analysis. The book might thus be of interest to scholars and established researchers as well as to students and young academics who wish to explore the topic of prosody, an expanding and promising area of study

    Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective

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    This book presents a collection of pioneering papers reflecting current methods in prosody research with a focus on Romance languages. The rapid expansion of the field of prosody research in the last decades has given rise to a proliferation of methods that has left little room for the critical assessment of these methods. The aim of this volume is to bridge this gap by embracing original contributions, in which experts in the field assess, reflect, and discuss different methods of data gathering and analysis. The book might thus be of interest to scholars and established researchers as well as to students and young academics who wish to explore the topic of prosody, an expanding and promising area of study